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Los Mockers official website
Download Can't be a lie - Los Mockers (1967)
Christine was born in Leeds, Yorkshire on May 11th, 1948. She had some commercial success in the USA, where the World Artists label (famous for Chad & Jeremy) released the song today I upload: the catchy 'Tell Me Mama', which reached No.85 on the Billboard charts in May 1964, outselling the original version by well-known American singer Janie Grant (1963).
Micky y los Tonys was a Spanish pop-rock band formerly composed in 1960 by Miguel Ángel Carreño, or Micky (voice), Tony del Corral (guitar), Fernando Argenta (rythm guitar), Juan Fuster (bass), and Enrique Moddell (bass). In 1962 they played in a festival organized by the Circo Price, along with Los Pekenikes, Los Estudiantes, and Dick y Los Relámpagos. Micky soon became the leader of the band, although they firstly were named Los Tonys. Their first Ep (1963) had hits by Billy J. Kramer and The Dakotas, such as "The Rhythm of the Rain", "Loop the Loop", "You're the Devil in Disguise", or "Bad To Me", renamed by them as "No Me Dejes".
"Estoy cansado" is a 1965 song from the soundtrack of a Spanish movie entitled "Megatón ye-yé", but sang in English.
Download "Megatón ye-yé" B.S.O.