

For a better understanding of the story of this band, that had as real name the famous "Mi generación", and of the record of this song, let us translate what José Valverde, a member of the band said in his blog on the history of "Mi generación". I asked permission to him, who kindly accepted. Many thanks, Pepe! By the way let me tell you that the story contained in the blog is an abstract of his book Memorias de la cigarra, a book with a lot of data for Spanish music lovers, a very interesting issue that I recommend from here.

During December 1970, Mi Generación had a frenetic activity. While they were recording their 1st record for an independant producer, they played in the marathon rock contest “Las 24 horas musicales”, at Radio Terrassa, winning the 1st prize, and 10.000 pesetas (60 € today). The Saturday 12, December, they went back to finish the recording sessions. In 1971, Monday 4, January, they received the prize Grupo Revelación del 70, at Radio Barcelona. In January 5 they played in one of the most important rooms in Barcelona: Coconut.  It seems that the band will finally stay in the right way. Nevertheless, one after the other, they had to do the military service during the next five years, till July 15, 1975, when José Valverde finished his. With changing members, they decided the searching of a basist who also could sing. A hard job to do, since none had the appropiate conditions. Finally, José Valverde accepted to be the singer-bassist of the band. With the banding of another very good musician, Xavier Garriga, ex member of Tuset31, ex-Los No, and an excellent fingerpicker of his Telecaster. Then, Mi generación was composseed by Antonio Palacín (keyboards), Eliseo Parra (drums), Francisco Fernández (guitar), Xavier Garriga (guitar), and José Valverde (bass).
Ramón Ferrán

Fortunatelly, the recording sessions was the way to get an agreement with a record label, after being refused by BELTER, EDIGSA, and ARIOLA, among others. Ramón Ferrán, legendary jazz drummer, visited them in a record session. He also was the Artistic Director of FONOGRAM, giving them the opportunity of an audition test, successfully approved. What Ramón Ferrán wanted from them was the recording of a “canción del verano” (Summer song), something refused by Mi Generación. After that, they sang the backing vocals for the record of a 45, in which sang Nino Sánchez, of Palobal Records. In March 1971, The owner of  Palobal, Pablo López Balada, who was very gratefull with them, decided the record of the sumer song, a Spanish cover of a hit of the moment. The selected song was “Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep”, already recorded in Italy by RCA, and by a Scotish not-well-known band: Middle of the Road. Pablo López payed at the moment. The only condition from Mi Generación was that the name of the band should not appear. then, just for one time, Mi Generación was Los Únicos. As result of this collaboration, Mi Generación signed their 1st recording contract, which included the issue of their yet unreleased single.



In the mid-60, Barcelona city was definitely an efervescent music city, full of musical-vocal bands. One such group is formed in 1964 by Vicent Solsona (singer), Jesus Oregon and Jaume Sabate (guitars), Josep Sanchez (bass), Josep Maria Casanovas (drums), and José María Gutiérrez (organ): Los Wikingos. After a hard learning, and modest performances, they won, in the summer of 1965, the contest organized by the Grand Casino of Arenys de Mar. In early 1966 they participated in the Festival de Conjuntos de León of , earning a place in the final. Back in Barcelona his name is beginning to be known, especially from their live shows in Pentagram's radio show. The record label Ekipo sign a contract and they recorded their first EP, which is about to be the only one, sincesinger Vincent abandons them to start a short-lived solo career. With him leave bassist, organist and one of the guitars, literally leaving the group as a picture.

They have then a bew singer, Enrique Lopez, along with musicians Joan Miró and Jose Ruiz, being definitely from six to five the number of final members. They were lucky when having film proposal and are hired to act in the film "
“La Tía de Carlos en Minifalda” (Ignacio F.Iquino, 1967), in which the comedian Casto Sendra, aka Cassen does precisely the role of drummer. They published in June 1967 a second EP with two songs the group played in that movie, and two covers: Lady Jane (Rolling Stones), and Viernes de mi recuerdo (Friday on my mind, by The easybeats). Despite being a much better EP than the previous one, does not work commercially at all. They disbanded in the sumer of 1968. In their short career, they compossed for the famous Spanish band Los Bravos. One of their occasional member was the singer Oscar Janot, who also played with Los Go Gos (forthcoming), Los H2O, Henry and The Seven,  and accompanied to Los Sírex when the singer was doing his military service. With Los Sirex, Oscar recorded the song "Fuego".

The cover I upload now is a killer perfomance, surely having as reference one of the Easybeats live perfomances, as you can see in Youtube. ENJOY!





Los Iracundos, the best Uruguayan band, again! This time, a beautiful song from their LP "Los Iracundos en Roma" (1967). Enjoy!



Los Géminis, from Mallorca, again. This time covering "Wild thing" by The Troggs. Enjoy!


Los 4 de la Torre again. Enjoy!


Los 007, from Venezuela, again. Enjoy this amazing cover of Los Brincos' hit!


Los Tomcats again. they recorded this cover during their tour in Spain. Enjoy!


Edward y Los Windys again!!! This time covering this rock hit by Ian & The Zodiacs and Jerry L. Lewis. Enjoy!





Zapatón again. This time covering the standard "Walk, don't run". Enjoy!


Zapatón was something not well understood. Lead by Tony Luz, just after the disbanding of the famous Los Pekenikes, the great Spanish instrumental band. This amazing guitarist kepts playing in Zapatón with Rafa Fortes (guitar), Enrique Guerrero (bass), and Antonio Martín-Caruana "Ñete" (drums) from 1976. In this year they launched a 45, and in 1977, their LP, also named "Zapatón". Since the leader is a pure rocker, Zapatón took the mid-70s rock and roll revival as the way to follow. With a very clear sound, a hard and rude playing, they perfectly gave thier own touch to classic  R&R instrumental hits. They disbanded in 1978, when Tony Luz created another band, this time a rockabilly band: Bulldog. "Ñete" became the drummer of another famous Spanish band: Nacha Pop. Enjoy!



Rocky Volcano & Jean-Claude Bouvarel - Cabaret Teyma "Palacio de la Prensa" Madrid - May 1962

He is called the singing bulldozer. His companions steered their guitars as guns. the name: Rocky Volcano (Jean Joseph Nicolas, Dec. 9, 1935 - Jan. 7, 2009), from Marseille. In that city Rocky Volcano is boxing and frequents the underworld ... He traveled alone to Tangier, Dakar, Tahiti ... He met Sugar Ray Robinson, who advised him to give up boxing and to rock. It was in Italy that he began to play, and he breaks the chairs for him. He spends a hearing in Philips and was immediately engaged (March 20, 1961). Philips released his first 45 laps "Comme un volcan", a disc that also furious reversals of  "24000 Kisses" (24000 Baci Adriano Celentano, also played by Johnny Hallyday, Dalida and Frankie Jordan), "Nobody like you" (Nobody Loves Me Like You by Sam Cooke, and "I will go anywhere" (California Sun of the Riveras. shows the back with his "Rock ' n'Rollers" and, indeed, the disc is  like a volcano. The disc sounds everywhere in April 28, 1961, when Rocky moved seriously during his visit to Discorama, at Denise Glazer. From 29 to 31 May 1961, he is playing the 4th Golden Cockerel French Song, held in Olympia, along with Hugues Aufray, Alain Barrière, Pierre Carrel, Claire Ferval, Frank Gerald, Jacqueline Nero, John William, etc. June 18, 1961: Rocky Volcano is part of the Black Socks in the second Rock'n'Roll Festival at the Palais des Sports in Paris. After "Comme un volcan" and "24 Mille baisers" for his second 45s, he also recorded "Hey Pony"'s Don Coway via Chubby Checker, competing versions of Black Socks, Chats Sauvages, Johnny Hallyday, of Hédika etc.., and Del Shannon "Runaway". From 15 to 31 May 1962 they played at  Cabaret Teyma - Palacio de la Pensa - Madrid - Avenida José Antonio, where they were disvovered by the manager of Belter label at Barcelone (Augusto Algueró), who make them to sign an agreementfor the record of two 45. The Augusto Algueró dossier says: 

« ROCKY VOLCANO, es un muchacho de 21 años , hijo de padre sud-americano y madre francesa. Es de apariencia pacifica, pero todo nervio y dinamismo en sus sorprendentes interpretaciones. Canta, baila, se mueve, en fin, expresa, con su sensacional arte, el « Rock », el « Twist », el « Madison » y todos los ritmos modernos, contagiando al pùblico, que siente al unisono con este artista.Sus primeras actuaciones, fueron en Francia, para el Teatro del Ejército y de la Armada, siguiendo después, con une gira por toda Francia, Suiza, Italia, Bélgica, Argelia, etc., cosechando grandes triunfos.En le II Festival de Twist celebrado en el Palacio de los Deportes de Paris, obtuvo el primer premio y armo tal revuelo, que todos los periodicos franceses se ocuparon extensamente de él.Sus actuaciones en España, tanto en teatro, salas de fiesta, emisiones radiofonicas, etc., han sido un gran éxito y cada dia es mayor el numero de sus amigos, seguidores y admiradores. BELTER ha recogido en sus magnificas grabaciones las mas interesantes interpretaciones de ROCKY VOLCANO, y sus discos son ya muy solicitados tanto en España como en el extranjero
They played everywhere in Madrid: Rio Club Boite de Madrid, Price, Teyma... They rested at Hostal Infantas during these days (Calle Infantas 21), and they usually had a lunch at "Restaurante la Estrella" for 210 pesetas/day (1,25€ today). They also have a swimming at "Piscina Florida". The Volcano twisters, or Volcano Rock and Rollers, were: Jean-Claude Bouvarel (soloist guitar), Louis Rossui (rythm guitar); Claude Arnaud (drums), and Jean-Lou Pater (bass).They appeared in the number 144 (Juny 1, 1962) of the review CORREO DE LA RADIO (10 Pesetas) "NUMERO EXTRAORDINARIO dedicado a la Feria Oficial e Internacional de Muestras de Barcelona", pages 30-2. Abstract (I prefer in Spanish. Please, use a translator):

Roky Volcano el delfin del twist.Es dificil ver aplaudir a este complejo mundo de hombres y mujeres que llenan los « night-clubs », y sin embargo esta noche lo hacen y ademas con calor. Una y otra vez, Rocky Vulcano, hoy debuta en Madrid y a la vez en España, se ve obligado a repetir sus canciones. La pista del « Teyma » se halla abarrotada de parejas que bailan, mejor, se retuercen, al ritmo del « twist ». Los « twist » de Vulcano, decian las revistas francesas, electrizan a quienes los escuchan. Resuenan aun los aplausos cuando saludamos a los « Rock N’ Rollers », el conjunto que acompaña a Vulcano en todas sus interpretaciones. Mientras aguardamos al cantante, sus compañeros nos adelantan noticias y datos.
Nos dicen que Rocky nacio en San Francisco, que sus padres son sicilianos, que ha cumplido los veinte años cuatro años como profesional, que es muy simpatico, que siempre esta de buen humor y que… Bueno, dejemos que sea uno de ellos quien se lo diga.- No sé si Rocky se enfadarà cuando sepa lo que le voy a decir, pero de todas formas, ahi va. Desde hace unos meses esta enamorado, y enamorado de une sola persona Quiere usted saber su nombre ? - Quiero. - Se llama Monica. - Pues, muy bien. - Y tanto. Monica es la hermana de Liz Taylor. - En serio ? Y ya no dijo màs. Ni el clasico « pio ». El « bateria » del conjunto le hizo callar. Se hizo un silencio, y como fuera que Rocky seguia sin aparecer, fuimos recogiendo mas datos.
Rocky Vulcano ha acuado ya en Italia, Suiza, Bélgica, Alemania y en Francia. También hizo una tourné por el Senegal. Fué en Paris donde obtuvo el éxito mas séñalado. Alli, y en el famoso escenario del Palacio de los Deportes, fué proclamado campeon del Twist en el segundo concurso internacional. Este triunfo le valio un contrato en el Olimpia, unas actuaciones en Television Francesa y le participacion en el film, junto a Brigitte Bardot, « Vie privee ». Desde entonces, y de eso hace ya mas de un año, la carrera de Rocky tomo el nuevo y consolidado auge que le ha permitido proclamarse a principios de año, como une de los « twister » mas admirados de la juventud francesa. Sus discos se han… perdon, por fin, Rocky Vulcano ante nosotros.- Perdone el retraso, pero es que cuando termino de actuar quedo hecho polvo. Pierdo un kilo diariamente, que claro, luego tengo que recuperar.
 Perdonado ?
Pues si ; nos ha resultado simpatico. Y lo decimos a pesar de su facha, esa que parece uniforme de todos los cantantes modernos. Nos ha hablado mitad italiano, mitad francés. En fin un lio. Gesticula mucho, dijimos que era italiano ?, y eso nos ayudara. De novias no le hablaremos, por lo que pudiese ser, pero si de la opinion que le merecen las chicas españolas. Se lo preguntamos y, lo que les dijimos, ya esta gesticulando. Y como lo hace ! Si, si, lo entendemos perfectamente, pero ademas de gesticular, nos dice : - Con las chicas españolas, me ha ocurrido una cosa muy curiosa. Hasta aura todas las que conocia, las que me habian presentado en Paris, no me habian acabado de… si, de gustar. Pero, solo llegar a este pais me ha dado cuenta de mi equivocacion. Y qué equivocacion. Son guapisimas, sabes ? No me importaria casarme con una de ellas. Mamma mia (y aqui, gesticula de nuevo).No hay duda de que Rocky tiene buen gusto y facilidad de apreciacion, pues, tan solo hace unas horas que esta en España. Ah ! Y en esas horas lleva coleccionadas tres bonitas multas.- Para las multas soy unico. Estando en Paris, calculo un presupuesto mensual de 7.000 pesetas para pagar las multas que los agentes de la circulacion me imponen. Y eso que procuro conducir con prudencia. Lo que peor me sale es le aparcar ; reconozco mi debilidad.
No nos da tiempo para intervenir, cuando nos suelta : - Pero no se crean que solo canto « twist ». A mi el twist no me gusta mucho, es un método ideal para guardar la linea ; lo reconozco, pero a veces al publico también le gusta oir y bailar cancion suave y melodica. Cuando estoy triste compongo canciones todo dulces, romànticas, melancolicas. Fijate, mis cantantes preferidos son Domenico Modugno, como cantante italiano y Charles Aznavour, como francés. Ni el uno ni el otro son twister. - De acuerdo, pero… De ahi no pasamos. - Mira es que las madrileñas tienen un algo que… Oh. Mamma mia, qué chicas mas guapas ! Anda, salgamos a la calle a verlas. Nos damos un paseo. Y tampoco pasamos de ahi. No, no, nosotros fuimos a pie. Por si las multas ».



Jose Maria Gonzales (Jose Mari) was a legend Phillipine 50s actor. He participated in numerous films in his country from 1958.And he was the m,anager of The Electromaniacs.
Sampaguita Pictures, Inc.
Carlos Vander Tolosa, director
(Susan Roces, Jose Mari, Etang Discher, Patria Plata, Eddie Gutierrez)
The original Electromaniacs consisted primarily of Lito Toribio on drums, Joey Gordon on bass, Gene Generoso on rhythm guitar, and Ernie Delgado on lead guitar. Later on, Joey Gordon left the band and Ernie invited his neighbor Emile Caballero to become the new bass player. After a year, Chito Perez replaced Gene Generoso. Most of the band members were inspired by orchestra music. Lito was steeped in classical music because, aside from playing the piano, his father led an orchestra. His other influences included the geniuses Rony Williams, Joe Morello and Steve Gadd, among others. Ernie, who had early orchestra influences, considers Barney Kessel, Mickey “Guitar” Baker and Chester Burton “Chet” Atkins as his inspirations. Emile was a sessionista in several jamming sessions. The Electromaniacs’ early gigs were mostly for tipar, a Filipino wordplay for private parties in the 1960s. Soon, the band dominated the local airwaves and was cast on the radio program “Ang Tindahan ni Aling Pepang.” They also appeared in TV shows such as “Dance-O-Rama” which was once hosted by Boots Anson and Pete Roa. They were also the first band to be highlighted in a film where their hit song “I Miss You So” was the movie title. The Electromaniacs was the first band to play at the Rizal Theater in Makati and the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City, performing with Neil Sedaka and front-acting Paul Anka.The Electromaniacs’ single, Gene Generoso’s “Broken Guitar” became no. 1 on the Philippine Top 10 for three months. In 1963, they compiled their other singles into the long-playing “Lover’s Guitar”, the only LP that came out of the many bands of that time.
In 1968, they changed manager, recruited new members, renamed the group Electros and played in Sierra Club in Olongapo. Ernie left for the United States, followed by Lito in 1973. Emile left the band to study sounds in Europe from 1978 to 1982. What distinguished The Electromaniacs from other bands was what Lito calls “the sweet sound” they produced. It was the sound of the songs Ernie Delgado wrote that identified the group and the period, as in “I Miss You So” and “Tahitian Drums,” both were in the LP “Lover’s Guitar.”  The song “I Miss You So” established Ernie as a talented composer so much so that even when it is played today, those familiar with it easily fall under its nostalgic spell. As the LPs liner notes put it, “the song is tuneful, pleading to be sung.” The Electromaniacs’ sound is said to be evident throughout another original by Ernie “Tahitian Drums,” that showcased Lito’s drums. It is his playing in pieces like this that accounted for Lito’s turning into possibly the most iconic drummer of his time. Although Ernie and Lito went their separate ways years later, they remained involved in music-making. Ernie joined harmony groups that performed folk music (think Crosby, Still and Nash) and standard songs (The Carpenters, Abba, etc.). He also studied Music Theory and Harmony under National Artist for Music Lucio San Pedro. Aside from becoming a session/studio drummer, Lito performed in Asia and the Middle East with Sangkatutak, the Carding Cruz Jr. Band, and Royal Flush. In 1974, the two met again in Manila. Lito especially felt happy for Ernie because they now spoke the same language as it was only Lito among the Electros then who had formal training in music. In the mid 1980s, they started playing together professionally or for fun, and would later on collaborate on musical projects. At this time though, the music they were familiar with gave way to Karaokes, taking the place of orchestras. There was a proliferation of bands but the demand for them declined.

Ernie is the original lead guitar player of the Electromaniacs. He was the first member to be tapped by the band’s original manager, Jose Marie Gonzales, in 1960 to form a group that will inspire musical originality and was called Jose Mari Gonzales and the Electromaniacs. Ernie is credited for much of the band’s original songs. Their most celebrated hit, I Miss You So, is an adaptation of Ernie from Perry Como’s hit song “Wanted.” He narrates that while he was riding the jeep on his way home one night, he heard Como’s song on the radio and was greatly inspired by its chord progressions and melodic patterns. When he arrived home, he got his guitar and played his own version of the chords and placed it to rest hoping to come up with a song. When he woke up the next day, the melody still haunted him and he finished composing a brand new song. Thus the song I Miss You So came to be. Ernie’s music influences include American Jazz guitarist Barney Kessel, rhythm and blues and rock and roll legend Mickey Baker, and guitarist Jett Atkins. In addition to that, Ernie was also under the tutelage of Maestro Lucio San Pedro where he learned theory and harmony in 1970. All of these added to Ernie’s musicality which became an asset of the band as they garnered success.With the new Electromaniacs, Ernie’s songs prove that music doesn’t change through the course of time. He remains an icon together with his band.

Lito Toribio is the lead drummer of the 60s legend, the Electromaniacs. It was his rendition of the Tahitian Drums that made Lito Toribio an iconic drummer of his time. He joined the Electromaniacs in 1960 and became one of its pioneer members. Lito came from a family of musicians. His father and mother were both part of the orchestra. At an early age, Lito was exposed into the keyboards and he joined his parents in performing for the orchestra. His Western influences include Tony Williams, Jom Morillo and Steve Gadd. His love for music grew as he stayed with the Electromaniacs. When he left the goup in 1973, he continued doing music by joining different bands and worked as a composer for movies, commercials and jingles. He also performed outside the country such as Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. He returned to the Electromaniacs last year and continued the legacy that the band did in defining the 60s era with their music. Lito, an icon and a musician, continues to play and believe in music.

Emile Caballero was a sessionista, playing for different bands until he was discovered by the Electromaniacs.
Emile’s story with the band follows a funny tone. He, together with fellow guitar player and band member Ernie Delgado, were neighbors in Sampaloc Manila. According to Emile, the band was driving around the streets of Sampaloc looking for a bass player (after Joey Gordon left) when they spotted him throwing garbage along the side of the street. They asked him if he plays the guitar not knowing that this invitation would catapult him together with the band to a more memorable journey of fame. This became a running joke amongst the band members, and Emile continued playing for them up until he left in 1982 to pursue a career in music in Europe. Although he left the group, the urge of playing with them again was still with him.
His reunion with his fellow band members brings back a nostalgic feel of memory and success. Their return to the stage is a message to all that the Electromaniacs are still rocking. In the Electromaniacs now, Emile stands as the band’s bass player, sound consultant, technical adviser, rhythm guitarist and percussionist.


JOE & THE JAGUARS, as they called themselves, were four young Americans serving in the American military base of Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) to perform military service. They were led by JOE BENNETT, great guitar soloist and as experienced as coming from a US Rockabilly band called The Sparkletones. The origin of The Sparkletones goes back to 1955 when four young Spartanburg (South Carolina), aged between 12 and 16 years, decided to unite to form a band. In 1956 they are discovered by Robert F. Cox (CBS). After several months of performances, they get a contract with ABC-Paramount label. At early 1957 they recorded their first single with the catchy 'Slacks Blacks' nationwide success that gives them the opportunity to make long tours around the country by the famous promoter Alan Freed and television appearances in' American Bandstand "Dick Clark and the 'Ed Sullivan Show'. Despite placing a couple of issues on lists, their latest albums in 1958 and 1959 were not just impact. The lack of success, coupled with legal problems in order to keep his contract due to his young age and the decision of the members to continue with their studies ended with the dissolution of the group in late 1962 and late 1959. In early 1963, JOE BENNETT went to Spain for the fulfillment of his military service in the American Base Torrejón. Together with three other military friends, also music fans, the formed JOE & THE JAGUARS. After this pair of discs, JOE BENNETT released in May 1964 with an EP Hispavox more, but this time alone and singing in English. Then each returned to his country and the group disbanded. JOE BENNETT continued as editor and music teacher, and during the last decade sporadically reunited with his first band to perform at various festivals of Rock & Roll (Official Website).  
Thanks to their outlets in Madrid, and the visit Dion DiMucci (Dion & The Belmonts) had on the Base , who came to Spain in 1963 for his appearance in a TVE show in order to promote their albums (distributed by Hispavox), Joe and his band caught the attention of record producers, and quickly had the opportunity to record some songs. They recorded  8 songs in 2 EP's: one containing two instrumentals and two cuts in Spanish, and a chaperone of a very young KARINA, of only 17 years, which would result in their most rock and today one of most wanted of his discography.

Partially taken from Cuadernos del Rock en español

In the website Rocakbilly Hall there is an article by Joe Bennet, fro where I have extracted the following:

-Me? I'm still recording, working on some sound tracks. My dream is to write and record a movie sound track. I have made contact with Mickey Hart and have enjoyed it. We are old AF friends and played together in The Jaguars in Madrid ... he is a Giant in the precussion field. BY golly, I'll show 'em! (Sometime in '60)... I joined the Air Force! That'll fix 'em, by Ned! As I got up at 4:30 am at Lackland AFB, Texas I thought about how they were really hurtin' now! Boy, I had 'em where I wanted 'em! I'll get away from that dirty rotten bidness (That's what they call it here}. I was gettin' my licks in left and right and I could tell they were hurt by the way they didn't write! Stationed in Spain, I wrote Dad to send my Strat and Deluxe. He did and soon I was playing again down at the Airmen's Club. We took our GI band down to Madrid's Record Company "Hispavox" and cut a demo. The Engineer called the president and told him about us. They signed us up and ...I tried to run from it once when I was about 20. Joined the Air Force, became an Air Traffic Controller,got sent to Madrid, Spain for 3 years and just wanted to be 'one of the boys'. Left the Strat at home with parents in South Carolina. About 3 months into my stay in Madrid, I was at the NCO club on "Sit in" night. I got up and made a fool outta myself. The wanted me to join the band. It was a few GI's who enjoyed playing. The year was 1961.
Air Force FG-911 . Torrejón de Ardoz, April 1967

-I wrote home and asked Dad to send the old strat over (With amp) which he did. I started a little group called "Joe and The Jaguars" and we landed a recording contract with Hispavox records! We also backed up some of Spain's stars like "Karina"...doing Hully Gully music.

-Our drummer was a kid named Mickey Hart...first rock band he ever played in. Of course he later was one of the drummers for The Grateful Dead and has written books and done movie sound tracks. He is one of the best with sticks I have ever known.

-I stayed in The Air Force for 11 years and played in bands the whole time...even in Nam. A little band called the "Country Cousins" at Nha Trang AFB. Berlin, "The Brass Door" and others I can't remember.

-Somehow, somewhere, someone has my old strat (55-56) and I really would like to see it. I traded with one of my old GI buddies ... who knew? ... I've been told that $21,000 would pretty-well cover it. I think I traded it in Spain. We had a band called The Jaguars with numerous members who came and went. Guitars, amps, reel-to-reel tape recorders were turned over as much as military personnel. If anyone knows where my old worthless guitar might be, please let me know. I just want to touch it ... a little bit!

-Want to know why? Try breaking a string (Any string) in the middle of your jam in front of about 5000 ... As you bend, turn and twist, you'll be amazed at how much you sound like a sick sackbut or dulcimer mixed with a shakin' sitar! You are welcomed to use my peach orchard. So I set out to find my old strat. I wrote and phoned ... sent messages, etc., but to no avail. Then one night as I lay there contemplating ... there it was! I remembered having Dad to send it to Torrejon Air Base, Spain! My old deluxe amp and old strat!

Enjoy this cover of "La Hora" (M. Portolés-M. Sellés).



Los Archiduques again.This time with the A-side of his famous 45, where yopu can find "Lamento de Gaitas". Enjoy!
A la orden, José!!!


Tom Newman…. Singer, Rhythm Guitar & Sitar
Alan James…   . Bass Guitar
Chris Jackson….Drums
Peter Cook… …Lead Guitar
The Tomcats 1963 Ealing Town Hall West London
Tom, Pete, and Chris were at school listening The Shadows, and they decided they want a band. Alan banded soon later. This is the Beginnings of The Tomcats in east London, hardly influeced by The Shadows, Elvis, Lonnie Donegan, the Everly Brothers, and Eddie Cochran, in early 60s, and later by Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley. 
Madrid, 1966
They stayed as The Dreamers for at least a month until Freddie and the Dreamers came out and they thought that they had to change their name and Tom's your dad came up with it: “What about The Tomcats?” and they said “Yeah alright”. In early 1965 they got a load of gear. They were a resident band in Oxford Street and Alex Herbage and Alexis Korner were managing themand they bought thema load of gear on HP: Vox AC50s, a PA system and a guitar etc. Herbage wound up in court and bankrupt because of city fraud and the whole thing collapsed and they took their equipment back. It was the last straw. Tony had just got back from Spain backing Teddy Ray and decided it would be a good idea to go out there again with a band and he put the idea to Tom. They asked to Tom if I would be their singer and wanted a few others like Mickey Holmes and Speedy Keen (29 March 1945 – 12 March 2002) of the Second Thoughts. Basically they wanted to reform the Second Thoughts without Vic the Dog and Pat Campbell-Lyons and have Tom as the singer. Then they got rid of Speedy Keen. Newman on vocals, Duhig on guitar, Field on flute/keyboards, James on bass, and Jackson on drums. they, they all ended up in Spain for just over a year (1965/1966). Basically it was covering what was going on in England – Rolling Stones and Beatles. The Spaniards considered themto be one of their bands, Los Tomcats. And they receorded 4 Ep,16 tracks.They travelled by the north, Barcelona, and Tenerife.They also recorded spanish folk songs, such as "A tu vera" , "Macarenas", "Pena, Penita, Pena", but adapted to rhythm & blues, and beat rythm, with a very nice and original result.Passed a year, they back to London, where few members formed a new famous band: July. 



Enjoy this 5'00''  killer live perfomance!!


Del Shannon performing "Black is Black" by Los Bravos! Live in Australia, 1989. Enjoy!



Los Archiduques (1963-1970), from Asturias, recorded this cover of "I love you how you love me" (1967) by bross Paul and Barry Ryan. Banded in 1963 by Armando Pelayo (organ), Pedro Bastarrica (drums), Tony (guitar), Claudio (rythm guitar), and Tito (bass). In 1967 the singer was ill, being replaced then by Tino Casal, who sings here. Enjoy!


Banded in 1989 in Bullas (Murcia) by sisters Isabel, and Ana Espín, Juan Puerta, Lola Martínez, and Lucas Hernández. Later, the 3rd sister, Carmen, entered in the band. Enjoy this cover from their 2nd EP (1993).




Los Botines, with a short career, recorded in their 1st Ep this cover. Let me, please, upload the story of Los botines for the next time. Thanks a lot!


Bikina Atoll, Micronesia, 1946
Los Relámpagos again. Their 1st EP (1962), was totally instrumental. José Luís Armenteros playing guitar, and showing his free perfomances in this theme, a cover of the homonymous song appeared in"The Vikings", a Richard Fleischer 1958 film. Enjoy!